Monday, May 19, 2008

Buongiorno! Florence is already my favorite city I have ever been to. The first couple of days it didn't seem real that I was here...if you have ever been to epcot, that is what it felt like for me. When I first got off the plane when we landed in Rome, it hit me that we were in Italy because I had a language barrier situation. A woman guard at security started speaking Italian to me about my laptop bag and I had no idea what she was talking about. Looking back it is pretty humorous but at the time I was a nervous wreck.
After getting our connecting flight to Florence, we got taxi rides to our apartments. Our taxi driver was the craziest driver I have ever seen, swerving between mopeds and people. But then I learned that everybody drives like this in Florence and that they don't stop for pedestrians. The apartment I am staying in is huge! There are ten girls total in the apartment and every two people have their own room and bathroom. We have a common room and a kitchen. It is good to have so many girls in the apartment because you can pretty much always have somebody or a group that wants to do the same thing as you. Our apartment is in a central location so it is close to the main part of the city, and is a two minute walk from the school. It's great because I can walk outside of the apartment and grab a pastry at the bakery across the street.
The food here is delicious! I have not had one bad meal yet. The other night I ordered my first wine in a restaurant. I am not a big fan of wine but when in Florence, do as the Florentines do. We have also been to an outdoor restaurant on the piazza right near our apartment. The piazza has a carousel and at night has live music and artists. Last night we went to get gelattos which were excellent! Also I am a big fan of chocolate croissants.
Two nights ago I had my first club experience! The club was right next to the Duomo. We had a lot of fun dancing, and Italy plays a lot of American music so we knew most of the songs. When I mention the Duomo, I mean the big cathedral in the middle of Florence with the big red dome that you see in pictures. The intricacy of the building is mind-boggling as well as the size! It is by far the biggest and tallest cathedral I have ever seen.
Yesterday I walked through an outdoor market selling all types of leather items since Florence is known for its leather. They have the market set up every day. Today I went to the food market which they have in a huge building. All different vendors are selling items such as meat, breads, cheeses, fruits, and vegetables. Everything there is really cheap compared to the supermarket. I even tried ordering things in Italian! I am slowly learning the basics which has been really helpful.


Patty cakes said...


Sounds like you are having an amazing time!!! I am sooo happy for you!!!! My mom just wrote this long thing to you and it wouldn't let us post was being dumb!!! Can't wait to see more pictures!!!

betsy said...

Katie! Hi! Wow! I'm so thrilled you get to be in Italy for six weeks. Sounds like you are acclamating very quickly. Hope you have a wonderful experience. Julie is in Tijuana Mexico this week on a mission trip and all is well so far. Look forward to hearing and seeing more. blessings, Auntie Betsy

Anonymous said...

katiee its your lovely sister christiee. so today in civics some kid was like christie is your sister in indiana jones and i turned around and i was like SHWHAT? how do you know that. and he was like some girl told me called something Tice and i was like who is that. haha i have never heard of her in my life but the kid who told me that said she wants to meet me because i am related to you. ahha i guess she is obsessed with those moviess. SO yeah.. sopunds liek your having a lot of fun. cant wait until we goo! see you JUNE 29th! YEAHH BABYY!. LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

Now that you are a wino-have prosecco made in Florence-Devin did when he was 11 in a very yellow pizza place by Bruneleschi's Palace-I emailed you a picture of him with it-small boy big pitcher. Its very tasty-but don't drink it like coca-cola!
Climb up Giotto's tower =the line is shorter and you can see il duomo from the top.
The Boston Globe reviewed the new Indiana Jones movie but they forgot to mention you.
If you see any DiCristofaro soccer shirts sold by street vendors do buy some. Have lots of fun--Aunt Judy

Unknown said...

Katie, my love!
Sounds like you're already enjoying the sights and sounds of Florence- just be safe and don't let those Italian men make any moves on you! Before you know it, they'll sweep you off your feet with their sleek mopeds and mysterious accents...
I look forward to hearing more about your travels, and make sure to eat enough for the both of us :)

Anonymous said...

Katie! Everything sounds awesome and I'm glad you're having a fabulous time :)) Right now in my history class we're in our "Roman Unit" and I'm always like " cousin Katie could be at that place right now!" Hahaha. And then when everyone is like "WHOA COOL!" I tell them how you're also a celebrity and in Indian Jones. Love you!